Format and Domains Covered
Exam Format
Type of Questions: Text-based practical questions focusing on real-world scenarios. No report submission is required.
Duration: 48 hours.
Exam Access: Students will have browser-based lab access and a dedicated elastic instance for the duration of the exam, providing a realistic and practical testing environment. No tools or VPN setup is required.
Open Book Policy: You are free to use your learning resources, browse the internet on your host, and refer to notes taken during the exam. This policy is designed to simulate a real-world environment where resources are available to solve complex problems.
Proctoring: The exam does not involve invasive proctoring, meaning no camera or microphone is being monitored. Respecting your privacy while ensuring exam integrity.
Domains Covered
The CCD exam encompasses a wide range of cybersecurity domains to ensure a comprehensive assessment of your skills. These domains include:
Threat Hunting
Disk Forensics
Perimeter Defense - Email Security
Memory Forensics
Network Forensics